I'M Mohd Tauheed

Data Analyst. Digital Marketer. Graphic Designer. Web Developer. Photographer.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

How to increase social media conversions?

After the holidays, how to increase social media conversions

After Holidays, how to increase social media conversions?

In today's world, there are more than 3.48 billion social media users. And companies from all over the world offer different kinds of attractive benefits. The festival time is very difficult because at that time, brands have the best and the most appealing offers to attract customers
There are few steps to increase social media conversation after holidays.

Define your targeted audience (Know whom to target)

In social media, the target audience is the group of people you want to reach through your posts. You want to reach people who are likely to be interested in your content, products, or services. Most of them have some common characteristics, including demographics and behavior.

All of your social content cannot target everyone. You can sell to everyone, but you cannot target everyone with all of your social content. Trying to speak with their kids, parents, spouses, and co-workers at the same time prevents you from addressing your best prospective customers.
You can define your targeted audiences on the basis of the following points.

  1. Location 
  2. Local, National or International
  3. Demographics 
  4. Age, Gender, Occupation, Income Level, Marital Status)
  5. Psychographics 
  6. Values, Hobbies, Lifestyle, Personality, Attitude, Behavior
  7. Industries 
  8. Medical, Accounting, Lighting, Non Profit, if a B2B focus
  9. Market trends
  10. Income Level
  11. Education Level
  12. Professions 
  13. Marital Status
  14. Why They Trust
  15. What They Read and Watch

Read How to Reach Your Target Audience?

How to understand Social Media behavior

To understand a user's social behavior and content choices, we first need to understand the primary behaviors people do on each social network so that we can know how users use Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. So that we can prepare our content according to their interest and nature.

Instead of Twitter, Snapchat and YouTube users also have similar behavior. But Twitter prompts users to bridge each other.  Facebook, Instagram

  1. Facebook
    Most of the time, people use Facebook to discover new things and communicate and high-performing content on Facebook related to hobbies, interests, and Humorous, and sympathetic. 
  2. Instagram
    Instagram is also known for high-performing , humorous, or sympathetic content. The majority of social media users use Instagram to discover new things and create bonds between one another. 
  3. Instead of Twitter, Snapchat and YouTube users also have similar behavior. But Twitter prompts users to bridge each other.  

Create Unique Content for Search specific platforms You target

As we know, every social media platform has its own interface and algorithm. So to get huge traffic, we must create content as per platform-specific search.
Every platform has different sizes for video and images, so we need different sizes for different platforms.

Optimize social media landing pages for conversions

Landing pages are very important to lead generation because a good landing page converts your visitors into leads; that's why everyone tries to optimize their landing pages. 
There are some points to find out, answer to the question how to optimize landing page?

  1. What is landing page? 
  2. What is landing page optimization?
  3. Identifying landing page optimization issues?
  4. When to use landing page?
  5. How to Make Your offer Clear?
  6. Simplify Your landing Page
  7. Optimize landing page photos, videos and lead capture form.
  8. Make it easy for users to log in
  9. To convert undecided customers, add testimonials.

How to use the right distribution platforms?

If you want to promote your business and create content, then firstly, you must know who and where your targeted audience is, and what is your budget, or how to connect with other content?  You need to decide on your messaging style and method of content distribution.

In this heading, we find out the answer to the following question.

  1. What is a content distribution platform?
  2. How to pick the right distribution platform or channel?
  3. Types of content distribution platform.

Offer a clear value proposition

First, you know what a value proposition is based on relevance and quantitative value, and differentiation. When the best value proposition is clear, you need to know what we offer. This is the only way to present a clear value proposition.

In this heading, we find out the answer to the following question.

  1. What is clear value proposal? 
  2. We offer clear value propositions to whom?
  3. What makes good value propositions?
  4. Why is a clear value proposition important?
  5. How to write a value proposition?

Content trial and error 

As soon as you get the content, you need to do error checking, check if there are poor responses, low traffic, and difficulty ranking on the content.

Work on more organic promotions

Growth that is organic means it comes from SEO techniques and not from paid promotion. The majority of organic growth comes from social media platforms and blogs. Using good SEO techniques, we also generate organic traffic on Google search engine result pages and optimize content with images and videos.
  1. What is organic growth?
  2. Why is organic growth important?
  3. How to Increase organic growth?
  4. Create Unique brand images or videos
  5. Invest in existing high-growth activities
  6. Create New offers
  7. Improve performance 
  8. Track key performance indicators 

Promote self improvement
Take advantage of influencer marketing
Run social media contests and promotions

A Data Analyst, Digital Marketer, Graphic Designer, and Web Developer, as well as a content writer, video editor and photographer, I have many skills to offer

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