I'M Mohd Tauheed

Data Analyst. Digital Marketer. Graphic Designer. Web Developer. Photographer.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Website Creation
Website Creation Course, website development course, website development course website designing course

Website Creation Course

Website creation includes all aspects of web development and website designing.

There are two ways to create a website.

1. Using Programming Language

2. Using templates or WordPress

We required some basic things to create a website.

Programming Language (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python Programming, .Net, PHP)

WordPress Knowledge (Optional)

Domain Name

Hosting Server

Backend Service (Content Management System Software: CMS)

Color Scheme

Fast Functionality 

Good Navigation

SEO Friendly 

Responsive for all device

Good Integration with social media

SSL Certificate

All Browser support

Informative and readable Content

Qualitative and Good Looking Images and videos


Website Creation Using Programming Language

A Data Analyst, Digital Marketer, Graphic Designer, and Web Developer, as well as a content writer, video editor and photographer, I have many skills to offer

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