I'M Mohd Tauheed

Data Analyst. Digital Marketer. Graphic Designer. Web Developer. Photographer.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Keyword Analysis and Keyword Research

Techniques for keyword research. How do you find different kinds of keyword ideas? How to analyze keywords? How to find target keywords? How to choose and set keywords on priority? Various kinds of keyword research tools. Techniques for keyword research

Keyword Research 

The Keyword research is a basic need for any online marketing campaign. The motive of keyword research is to find out the targeted audience and how to rank with the particular keyword?

Without knowing what keywords we will target, we cannot optimize our website effectively, we can never link building on targeted phrases, and it is not possible to create good content for the audience.

There are some techniques to learn for keyword research.
  1. Techniques for keyword research.
  2. How do you find different kinds of keyword ideas?
  3. How to analyze keywords?
  4. How to find target keywords?
  5. How to choose and set keywords on priority?
  6. Various kinds of keyword research tools.
  7. Techniques for keyword research

Techniques for keyword research.

Before starting keyword research, we would first recommend creating a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets for your keyword research and analysis.

Column name: 
  1. Competition
  2. Local/Month Search
  3. Global/Month Search
  4. Approximate CPC
  5. Search Volume
  6. Trend
  7. Competitor 1
  8. Competitor 2
  9. Competitor 3
Competition	 Local/Month Search	 Global/Month Search	 Approximate CPC	 Search Volume	 Trend	 Competitor 1	 Competitor 2	 Competitor 3

And also include keywords suggestions, questions, prepositions.

There are some tips for keyword research

  • Create a keyword list on the basis of business locations.
  • Check the keywords your competitors are targeting
  • Utilize Google Suggest to find the best keywords
  • Related to customers' questions
  • Search for "People also ask" on Google
  • Using an SEO toolbar
  • How do you find different kinds of keyword ideas?
  • How do you find different kinds of keyword ideas?

How do you find different kinds of keyword ideas?

The first step in keyword research is to think about how potential customers might search for your business or website. In the next step, you can use keyword research tools to find more keywords related to those ideas.

You should think like a customer.
Ensure you know your industry better.
You must learn how keyword research tools work and how to get benefit from them.
Create your initial keyword list by identifying your target audience and placing yourself in their place.

  1. Keyword brainstorming for 'seed' terms
  2. Analyze which keywords your competitors rank for
  3. You can choose keyword research tools
  4. Learn and understand about your niche

How to analyze keywords?

The Purpose of Keyword Analysis? The process of keyword analysis involves analyzing the keywords or search terms that bring organic and paid search visitors to your website. In search marketing campaigns, keyword analysis is the starting point and a cornerstone.
There are five keyword metrics you can follow for keyword analysis.

Search volume

The search volume indicates how many people are looking for a given keyword. You must consider search volume when creating your content strategy because it represents the popularity of the query. If you're looking for keywords, you'll want to find keywords with a lot of search volume and low search competition.


This is a metric, you can find out how many times a keyword has been clicked on average every month.
Traffic potential
Here, traffic potential is defined as the average monthly organic search traffic that a page, or set of pages, will receive from Google's SERP.

Traffic potential

Here, traffic potential is defined as the average monthly organic search traffic that a page, or set of pages, will receive from Google's SERP.

Keyword Difficulty

The Keyword Difficulty is a proportion of how hard it is for a specific term to rank in Google's organic SERP. The Difficulty of a keyword relies upon various variables, for example server quality, page authority, domain authority, and content quality.
Number (and quality) of backlinks.
Domain Rating (DR).
The content length, relevance, freshness.
Use of the target keyword, synonyms, entities.
Search intent.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

It tells you how much advertisers are willing to pay for each click on an ad for a specific keyword. Calculation of the cost per click is done by dividing the cost of paid advertising by the total number of clicks.
Traffic potential
Here, traffic potential is defined as the average monthly organic search traffic that a page, or set of pages, will receive from Google's SERP.

How to find target keywords?

In order to achieve top rankings in search engines, you must target keywords related to your product or service in your website copy and ads. You must conduct proper keyword research in order to determine which type of keywords are relevant to target for your business.

How to choose and set keywords on priority?

It's really important. In Keyword Explorer, Priority is a combination of volume, difficulty, and click through rate. When a keyword has a high priority score, its volume and CTR is higher, along with its competition scores being lower. Despite its low competition and high volume, this keyword provides great CTR.

A Data Analyst, Digital Marketer, Graphic Designer, and Web Developer, as well as a content writer, video editor and photographer, I have many skills to offer

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